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window.TriplePixelData={TripleName:"47-skin-usa.myshopify.com",ver:"2.11",plat:"SHOPIFY",isHeadless:false},function(W,H,A,L,E,_,B,N){function O(U,T,P,H,R){void 0===R&&(R=!1),H=new XMLHttpRequest,P?(H.open("POST",U,!0),H.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/json")):H.open("GET",U,!0),H.send(JSON.stringify(P||{})),H.onreadystatechange=function(){4===H.readyState&&200===H.status?(R=H.responseText,U.includes(".txt")?eval(R):P||(N[B]=R)):(299 But here's 5 ways to get yourself through a breakout... When you're battling a breakout, it's tempting to try and look for a 'quick fix'. There are definitely ways you can help reduce a breakout, and a consistent skin care routine is certainly one of them. But skin doesn't work that way and sadly, there isn't a magic hack for getting rid of a zit instantly (sorry!) 4) Do a Silver Intensive Face Mask. This will help to reduce inflammation and allow any breakouts go more quickly. Follow with your Anti-blemish serum. The Truth About Zits- There's No Instant Fix!