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How and why you should stop
When you’re addicted to squeezing spots, touching and seeing the whitehead only increases your temptation to squeeze it.
So applying something to the spot will help you stop fiddling with it or constantly looking at it in the mirror. Apply a thin layer of your Silver Intensive Mask to the spot and let it dry – you can leave this on all day. This will help reduce inflammation and bacteria at the same time.
Keep your hands busy with other things – do some drawing, scroll through your phone, play with a stress ball – do anything that stops your hands trying to fiddle with your spot while you’re watching TV!
Sometimes watching videos of spot squeezing can help you get your fix without any damage to your own skin – youtubers like Dr Pimple Popper can be a satisfying watch if you like that kind of thing and aren’t squeamish!
The best way to get rid of a whitehead is to leave it alone and let it heal naturally.
Squeezing it will not ‘get rid of the infection’ or make it heal any faster – it will actually do the opposite and make it stick around for longer as a red mark, scab or even a scar.
You’ll find that if you leave it alone – it will go down naturally in a couple of days.
No! You shouldn’t be squeezing any of your spots, especially any that do not have a whitehead yet (you know the ones we’re talking about –the bumpy red ones that you know will give a satisfying squeeze when you prod them).
These are the WORST ones to squeeze as you are extremely likely to scar your skin because you are bursting open your pore.
If you really can’t resist (and you’re going to ignore our advice anyway) here’s how you can squeeze a spot with minimal damage to your skin:
1) Wait until your spot has a clear whitehead and has been around for at least a day
2) Clean your face thoroughly
3) Hold a hot, clean washcloth over the area until it becomes cold to open your pores
4) Use 2 cotton buds or 2 fingers wrapped in clean tissues, to gently put pressure on either side of the spot. It should come out easily and without much force. Always stop if your skin begins to bleed or weep clear liquid, or if the spot is still not squeezing after a couple of tries.
5) Clean the area again and apply your serum or a spot treatment such as Benzyl Peroxide.
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