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What are they?
They are caused by a build-up of dead skin cells and sebum which get trapped in your pores. They appear black because of the exposure to air.
What to do
If your blackheads are small, they are normally best left alone. If you must, squeeze them gently with a clean tissue after cleansing and steaming the area.
How to help prevent them
What are they?
Small skin-coloured raised lumps on the surface of the skin. They are caused when pores become blocked with oil and dead skin cells. They are not red and are usually only visible close up.
What to do
It’s best to get these extracted by a professional but you may be able to gently squeeze them to remove the sebum inside. However, be very careful as you can inflame it, causing it to turn into a spot. Always clean your skin and hands before attempting this and do it after a hot shower or bath, so your skin is soft and it’s easier to remove.
How to prevent them
What are they?
These are red under the skin spots, which appear like a bump with no head.
What to do
As much as you might want to – don’t squeeze it! This is highly likely to cause scarring
Cleanse your face thoroughly and apply your Silver Intensive Mask to the area in a small circle. You can leave this on/ keep reapplying it throughout the day to help keep you from touching it. This will help reduce inflammation.
You can also try holding some ice on the area for 5 minutes to reduce redness or apply a drying spot treatment. Be patient and try not to touch it. Most papules with either turn into a pustule (a whitehead) or will go down on their own in a few days.
How to prevent them
What are they?
These are inflamed spots with a yellow/ white head.
What to do
These can be squeezed, but only when they are ready and in the right way or you risk scarring. Ideally wait for it to excrete on its own.
If you can’t resist squeezing it, start with a clean face, ideally after a bath or shower so your skin is soft. Wrap a clean tissue around each index finger and squeeze gently. If it doesn’t come out or any clear liquid/ blood appears, stop.
How to prevent them
What are they?
Nodules are hard painful bumps that sit under the skin. Cysts are very similar but are full of pus.
What to do
Never, ever squeeze a cyst or nodule – this can cause permanent scarring. This type of acne often requires professional attention.
We advise keeping the area clean with your usual cleanser and making an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. They will be able to prescribe any medication/ treatments that you may need. They can also give cortisone injections which will help them disappear much more quickly.
How to prevent them
This type of acne is quite hard to prevent as there can be many factors causing this such as hormones and genetics.
Keeping to a good skin care routine with an anti-bacterial cleanser and acne treatment can help.
Whatever type of spots you get and wherever you are on your skin journey, remember that you notice your blemishes so much more than anyone else.
But, we understand just how frustrating and unfair acne can feel. For more support, check out these 3 top tips for coping with acne.