How to change your mindset on ageing
The one thing we all have in common is ageing, so why do we find it so terrifying?
Most people start to see their first fine lines in their late 20's and 30's.
Many of us spend so much time and money trying to fight signs of ageing, but nature inevitably wins the battle in the end.
This can leave us feeling defeated and frustrated with the way we look. Instead of spending the majority of our lives not feeling good enough, something needs to change.
Rather than seeing ageing as something we want to avoid, can we see it in a different way?
In this article, we’re going to show you some ways you can shift your mindset on ageing and start appreciating it, rather than running away from it.
1) Focus on how your mind matures
It’s easy to fixate on how our bodies are changing, but try concentrating on the way your mind has grown. Your whole way of thinking changes as you go through different experiences, relationships and life events.
Notice how much better you deal with a situation now, or how something that would have angered or upset you 10 years ago, doesn’t bother you anymore.
Learning doesn’t stop when you leave education.
You are learning all the time, and the older you are, the more you’ve learnt, not just about the world, but about yourself.
2) Find what you LOVE about your looks
As humans, we are programmed to look for faults, so we become focused on what we see as our flaws and what we need to fix. This can leave us feeling like looking good is just an endless to do list.
Instead of looking in the mirror and pointing out what you want to change, try looking at a photo of yourself or your reflection and looking for what you do like.
This could be as simple as noticing you like a certain part of your body or face, or giving yourself as many compliments as you can.
Try asking a partner or a friend for inspiration, and you might be surprised with what they say!
3) Recognise the benefits of getting older
In society, we are often taught the negatives of ageing, but not the positives. Of course, this differs for everyone, as all situations are different, but try and look at the benefits for you.
Perhaps you have more time to do the things you love or you feel more established and comfortable in your career, compared to how you felt in your twenties.
Maybe you’re in a stable relationship now, or you’re no longer in a relationship that didn’t make you happy and you’re appreciating more time to yourself.
Whatever your situation, find the aspects of your life, which are actually better now that you’re older.
4) The older you get, the more you know yourself
When you’re young, this can often be hard to understand, because you think you’ve always known yourself. But it really is true.
As you progress through life, you get to know what really makes you happy, not just what you think makes you happy.
You learn what situations you want to be in, what you don’t like doing and what your strengths are.
Whatever your age, thinking about getting older in a positive way can really help boost your self-worth, confidence and overall happiness.
Instead of yearning for your younger self, learn to love yourself now, just as you are.
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