During my mid-teens, I vividly remember discovering breakouts just below my shoulders, and freaking out, because I’d never heard of spots that appear on your back before. I felt embarrassed, and confused, because now not only did I have to deal with face acne, but also the infamously titled “bacne”. There weren’t many resources online telling me what was happening, and I felt too ashamed to reach out to anyone I knew personally about the problem, so I just suffered in silence, hoping each day that the problem would eventually go away on its own.
Back then, I would have really appreciated some words of comfort, telling me that what I was experiencing was common, and it didn’t necessarily mean that I was different or unclean, compared to your average teen.
So, what exactly is back acne, and why does it develop in the first place?
Like acne that appears on our faces, “bacne” is usually the result of a buildup of excess oil, dirt, bacteria, or dead skin cells clogging our pores, resulting in red bumps, sometimes with accompanying white or blackheads. In cases of cystic and nodular acne, cysts and nodules may also appear. A flare up on our backs can occur due to hotter weather causing us to sweat more, or certain items of clothing trapping our sweat during or after strenuous activity. Although anyone can experience back acne regardless of age and gender, it tends to be more common in teenagers and young adults, and to those assigned male at birth.
Other factors that may make you more likely to experience spots on your back include genetics, activity level, choice of clothing, and hormonal levels. Stress and anxiety can also cause flare-ups in acne, due to a rise in cortisone levels.